Monday, January 11, 2016

The danger of fire when logging

I have not had many experiences with wildfire in my career and in my time at Oregon State. My first exposure to wildfire was this past summer when I worked on the OSU student logging crew.  As loggers we had to undergo basic wildland firefighting training, and were responsible for the initial attack in the event of a wildfire starting in our area. The equipment that we used in our logging operation posed a high risk to starting a wildfire, it seemed that everyone was constantly talking about the risk of starting a fire.
This summer conditions were especially bad and the fear of starting a fire was extremely high. The only piece of the fire triangle missing was the ignition source and a logging operation is full of potential ignitions. All chainsaw operators had to carry a fire extinguisher and a shovel in case of a fire. We also had inspections from ODFW to ensure we were compliant with all fire regulations. In addition to all this, there was also a change in the mindset of every logger on the crew. All the activity’s taking place in the logging operation were now viewed from the risk of causing a fire. Everyone was constantly monitoring there co-workers to ensure that we reduced the risk of a fire to an absolute minimum. I learned a lot from all this and gained a new respect for all the efforts that are made by forestry workers to prevent a wildfire from happening.
The following image is an example of how a fire can be started in a logging operation through cable friction.
Source: Jeff Wimer, Oregon State University

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your experience about logging and fires. It is always interesting to hear from people who are actually in the business and have the experiences. While it makes sense that people operating the potential spark inducing equipment would have to carry a fire extinguisher, I never would have thought about it. It also makes sense to have training on fire fighting and the dangers of fire. My work is different (hazardous waste facility), but there are a lot of dangers that go with it. We have to have quite a bit of training. It helps keep it on your mind rather than become complacent and allow an accident to occur. Thanks for sharing.
