Monday, January 18, 2016

Fire History

I have had no experience working with fire in a professional field or internship setting. I am taking this class to learn about the science behind fire in our Northwest environment as well as other ecosystems. As a Natural Resource major with a Landscape Analysis option I can learn a lot from this class about how fire can be used to clear out areas and how it can be used as a tool in other ways. I have become more familiar with the fire combustion triangle and the attributes that are associated with it which are fuel, ignition or heat, and oxygen. Although I have little experience studying or working in a fire ecology field, I look forward to beginning to learn about how fire is used as an industrial tool. Because I don't have any previous graphics or data related to fire ecology, I found an excerpt from a book related to fire ecology in the pacific northwest to learn more about fire in this area. There were some insightful things from a small portion I read related to how fire "can be integrated into land management planning through an understanding of hoe fire affects the site and the landscape" ( Agee, J.K., 1996). I look forward to learning more about the science and ecology of fire.

Agee, J.K., 1996. Fire ecology of Pacific Northwest forests. Island Press.

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