Sunday, January 10, 2016

Egley Complex Fire

Egley Complex Fire 2007, by Danielle Reynolds
My experience with fire has been limited to a spectator's view. I grew up in one of Oregon's driest areas, so fire was a part of every summer that I can remember growing up. In 1991, a fire nearly reached the city limits and forced many people to fear losing their homes. In the hot dry summer of 2007 a lightning storm struck the area, igniting 18-20 fires that soon converged into what was known as the Egley Complex Fire. The heavy ground fuels, continuous grass and brush vegetation, high summer temperatures and windy conditions allowed the fire to burn over 140,000 acres in the three week period. I lived on the edge of town where southern winds were pushing the fire and received a level 2 evacuation notice. It was scary to think that we could lose our home and everything in it in this fire. Luckily crews were able to get a handle on the fire and contain it many miles before it would reach the old 1991 fire area that was still recovering. I visited part of the fire the following spring and was able to capture some images of the damage. This was an area that I grew up visiting and had fond memories of weaving through willows with my fishing pole. The fire destroyed most of the vegetation surrounding the river. Restoration efforts included placing dead trees across the river upstream to protect the now bare river banks from being washed out during the increased flow of winter runoff and other large fire debris that would be picked up along the way. I still try and visit the area when I go back home and love being able to see the changes that are still taking place after the 2007 Egley Complex Fire. 

Spring 2008 Post Egley Complex Fire, by Danielle Reynolds
Spring 2008, Emigrant Creek, Oregon (Egley Complex Fire site)
 by Danielle Reynolds
Spring 2008, Emigrant Creek, Oregon (Egley Complex Fire site)
by Danielle Reynolds

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