Tuesday, January 12, 2016

News Article on California Wildfire in 2009

Growing up in the state of Missouri has not given me the exposure to wildfires as some might have and I have no personal experience with them but I have always been interested in fire behavior and wanted to understand the characteristics and effects of fire. My grandfather was a firefighter and eventually became the fire chief here in the Saint Louis area of Missouri so that might have something to do with my interest in the topic. I researched and found a news article however from 2009 on a California wildfire that did quite a bit of damage to homes and properties in the Santa Barbara area. This particular wildfire was worsened by increased winds, low humidity, and high temperatures which made me think about the fire behavior triangle and how each area relates and interacts with the other. Even though I have no direct experience with wildfire it hasn't stopped my increased interest in the subject and the possibility of making a career out of fighting them.

 Residents of Montecito watched a wildfire burn in the foothills above Santa Barbara, Calif. on Thursday. Credit Michal Czerwonka/European Pressphoto Agency

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrew,
    It’s neat that you have such an interest in wildfires even though you haven’t had much exposure to them. The best career choices are things you’re passionate about, and it sounds like you have that. I hope your studies go well, and you succeed in getting the career you want.
