Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Carpenter Road Complex

Sorry if this is not great but I have never done anything with a "blog" before, so here goes.

I had my first experience with a "Wildland Fire" this past summer when I was sent up to help with at the Carpenter Road Complex in Fruitland Washington.  We, there were four of us, were sent up to be drivers but when we got there they sent us out to help run a Spike Camp instead.  Never being at a Base camp or a Spike camp before they both were interesting. Base camp housed around 1000 people and the Spike camp had 150 to 200 people.  We took over the community fire house and property with tents and equipment.  The town of 200 people were very grateful that we were there, we had visitors almost every day and all of the kids in school wrote us thank-you cards.
I enjoyed being able to give all of the firefighters a hot breakfast and dinner.

p.s. I also was able to meet three of the Australian firefighters who came over to help us out.

1 comment:

  1. Kristy,
    That sounds like it was a very rewarding experience. It’s incredible the way people can come together over fires and work as a team. Your pictures are nice. I love the one of the handmade cards from the local school children. It makes my heart melt. It’s also really amazing that you guys had firefighters from Australia pitching in. There seems to be a lot of comradery amongst people in this line of work no matter where you’re from.
