Monday, January 11, 2016

New to the Flames

Growing up on the Oregon coast I was never really around wild fires because it pretty much rains all year long. I now live in central Oregon where there is fire every year and I am still getting used to the fires that pretty much occur every year. Last summer was my first summer here and it was the first time that I have had to change my plans around fires. My trip I planned was to Crater Lake and there was obviously a pretty big fire there that forced me to cancel my trip because the smoke was so bad. I am interested to learn more about wild land fires in this class because my previous knowledge is pretty much next to nothing because I grew up where the biggest disturbance is the opposite of fire, rain.

Crater Lake fire

Oregon coast rain

1 comment:

  1. Second post I have read contrasting the occurrence of fire between the Oregon Coast and the high desert of central Oregon. I have worked in both areas and have found the same thing, but have noticed when fuels are available and conditions are right in the coastal ranges of Oregon, Northern California and western slopes of the Cascades, fires can and will burn with high severity due to the vegetation composition, complexity and spatial arrangement.
