Wednesday, January 13, 2016

49er Fire

In August 2009 two arson-initiated fires combined to form a fire in small-town Auburn California worthy of a state of emergency by Governor Schwarzenegger. The conditions were perfect for fire spread: 90 degrees, winds 14 mph with gusts at 22 mph, low relative humidity and all after a dry spell. By the end of it there were over 700 personnel, 55 engines, 10 air tankers, a Boeing 747, and 4 helicopters trying to control the burn which consumed 343 acres, 62 homes and 2 businesses.

What I remember of it most though is the aftermath. There were shelters set up for families and their pets across the county, benefit concerts, food and clothing drives, and fundraisers for the whole year. Friends of my family came home to find their house, cars and all belongings non-existent. There were $40 million in damages and control efforts cost $1.3 million. At this point I had lived in California my whole life, but this was the first fire that hit close to home, both literally a mile from my house and by seeing so many people I knew involved.

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