Thursday, January 7, 2016

Cable Crossing Encounters

For the past two summers I had worked as a forest intern for a small private timber company in Roseburg OR. Growing up on the coast I have had no direct contact will large scale fire like what happened this past summer. Over the course of this extraordinarily dry fire seasons, fires were blazing across the Umpqua valley. The fire in the area that not only impacted me the most directly, but along with thousands of others, was the Cable Crossing Fire.  With the abundance of dry fuels to feed the blaze, and the unfavorable winds, this fire spread rapidly.

Cable Crossing Fire Destruction (Photo Oregon Department of Forestry 2015)
Covering over 1,800 acres, numerous private land owners, including the company I worked for were directly affects. This left the office extremely shorthanded placing additional responsibilities on to every employee including myself. For several days I conducted inventory several miles from where the fire had started. Knowing how the fire was currently spreading we were confident that we were safe working within the area. With the abundance of smoke in the air the tops of trees were becoming to see at times. Due to the liability of only being an intern I was never allowed to assist in any fire related duties. Smoke filled the air in the valley for weeks at a time, and the smoke was so thick that breathing became difficult from miles away. Although I never did get to see the fire fist hand, the aftermath once it had been contained left myself speechless.

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