Monday, January 11, 2016

Lightning Strikes Back

I grew up on the Oregon Coast where constant rain made it close to impossible to have outbreaks of wildfire and it would help contain any major fires that started. I moved to Bend almost four years ago ad never really experienced wildfire that directly impacted my life. I was driving back one dry summer night from Coos Bay when a beautiful day turned into a stormy crazy night. As I went down the highway, I was stopped because of a wildlife that was caused by a nearby lightning strike, which spread too close to the road. Luckily, there was another route that avoided the fire and I was able to return back to Bend without any major problems.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your experience. Sounds like it could've been really dangerous! I also moved from an area of Oregon that had lots of precipitation and little chance of a fire from lightning. After moving to Bend I had experienced prescribed burning and air quality issues for the first time. It's crazy how just a few hours away conditions can change dramatically.
