Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Resilience and Resistence C. Plunk

From a biological or ecological stand point resilience is "the capacity of an ecosystem to respond to a perturbation or disturbance by resisting damage and recovering quickly."

With Resistance  the natural ability of a normal organism to remain unaffected by noxious agents in its environment.

I personally don't feel you can think about natural resources and not consider these two terms. The importance of making natural resource use sustainable is of ever growing importance. As a human race we have over stepped our bounds many times trying to bring a new species to an area which ends up dramatically changing hat particular ecosystem. I hope we have learned many lessons so these mistakes are not repeated. As with fire areas the plant s that are there have adapted over the years and have a certain resilience them selves to survive this kind of ecological disturbance. So all the while considering these terms when building and maintaining keep in mind that many species have their own resistance and resilience naturally and we don't need to put our hands in that "cookie jar"

1 comment:

  1. I think you make a really good point in saying that every species has its own level of resistance and resilience. I think we can also say each individual in a species can have variability in resistance and resilience as well. Its important that we consider these factors because it partially determines if a community will be able to return to its pre-disturbance state after a disturbance.
