Sunday, May 1, 2016

Resilience and Resistance

The way I see resilience is the ability for something to regenerate after it’s been affected by an outside force.  Like a shark has the ability to regrow teeth after it loses them, or a lizard can regrow its tail after it has been removed.  

Resistance, to me, is the ability for something to not be affected by an outside force.  Like a person that is resistant to a certain drug.  Or a shield that is impervious to a sword.  

It is important to know which species of vegetation are resilient to fire or catastrophic damage, and which species are resistant to fire when thinking about natural resource issues and maintaining wilderness areas.  Natural resource managers need to consider the species in the area before choosing to burn or putting out fires because some trees rely on a burn to regenerate while others are less resistant to fires and may be damaged.

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