Thursday, May 19, 2016

Regrousing the Sage

Precipitation is the major climatic factor when considering sagebrush resilience. Wet years provide a more thorough recovery in any of the sagebrush ecosystems. The recovery of sage grouse populations would be heavily influenced by elevation. Mountain sage brush in the higher elevations would probably continue to provide a habitable area, with the low grass preferable to the animal remaining intact. Territorial areas composed of a mix of low sagebrush and Wyoming sagebrush in the lesser elevations might not fair so well, however. These populations would probably take a significantly longer time to recover, with threats of invasive species taking over the area altogether. It is here, in the lower elevations that cheatgrass would pose the biggest threat to sage grouse habitat in the Great Basin.
As suggested, here are a bunch of lekking sage-grouse, incase you missed it.

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