Sunday, May 8, 2016

Fule and Baker Critique

Bakers critique of the fuel et al 2003 paper is that the mean composite fire interval (CFI) is not an accurate estimation when determining the mean fire interval and fire rotation. According to Baker the CFI can be misleading to land managers and isn’t a good representation of the fire regime. Understanding the fire rotation, severity, and frequency in an area is crucial for management decisions. Managers can use fire regime information to help determine when to use prescribed burns along with other fire related projects. Fire regime information also allows managers to know if a fire is within its normal range of frequency and severity. This information is important because it can be an indicator of how an ecological site is changing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Matt. I agree with Baker for the most part but Fule et al. does recognize that this methodology ca be used to reconstruct the fire history. I think it could be part of the process to reconstruct fire history to assist with determining the mean fire interval and fire rotation. As you note ecological sites have changed are always changing, with this being said it is valid to say that there is more to the process then past fire interval.
