Sunday, April 3, 2016

Too hot to handle

At a young age I was fascinated with fire and so were my best friends. We got a hold of a liter and was messing around behind a shed burning paper etc... etc... we then decided to see what would happen if we lit the grass which was dry at the time. Not much happened except a small burn no big deal only a few inches of grass burned. My parents yelled out side for me so as if everything was normal I went to see what they needed and we had to leave. I got in the car and we left. Little did I know we had started a chain of events that I now understand as the fire triangle. When we returned home the air was full of smoke, a fire truck was in the street and that shed was on fire. Apparently that small patch of grass was still receiving oxygen from a light breeze, was still glowing and able to produce heat and inside that shed was a lawn mower that was leaking gasoline. The gas had ignited after we had all left causing the old wooden shed to catch fire. Not only did I learn a lesson of not to play with fire I learned that losing control of fire can be very easy to do if the conditions of the fire triangle are met. Ever since I have had an extreme respect for fire.

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