Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Resiliency of Resistance

The term "resistance" refers to the ability of an individual to withstand a disturbance. "Resiliency" denotes the ability of a species to regenerate after a disturbance. I think these concepts are important to the management of Natural Resources, as it allows us to analyze when we need to be proactive or passive in our attempt to eliminate wildfires. Areas  that harbor low-resistance plant life require extra attention to try and prevent unprescribed burns, such as removing potential surface fuels or trimming low-lying branches. In ecosystems with resilient plant life that is well adapted to fire regimes, allowing the plot to burn eliminates competition due to over-population and enables native species to thrive. 


  1. Camille,
    I also think that the resilience or resistance abilities of a species can help us understand how they will recover or respond to wildfires and other disturbances. Additionally, these characteristics of a species may aid us in understanding what their role will be in succession.

  2. Camille,
    I like how your post gives a real life specific action such as prescribed burning practices in areas of differing resistance and resilience. This shows how a true understanding of an ecosystems nature and function is crucial.
